Nothing happens to you, Everything happens for you

When negative things happen:

                Just because it is negative , it's not part of God’s plan, Just as God uses breakthroughs, encouragements, etc. God also uses disappointments, closed doors, betrayals, persecutions to move us towards His divine plan. Nothing happens to us, everything happens for us. God could have stopped it from happening but he didn’t.

It’s not gonna work against me but for me! When you know your life is divinely orchestrated, it removes all the pressure. Nothing happens without God’s permission.

ILLUSTRATION: Jesus betrayed by Judas, He knew its going to happen, but He didn’t stop it. God used Judas more than the other disciples, the betrayel brought Jesus to greatness.

I love you! i know you will conquer and win, because you are a conqueror. time for you to be promoted!

- from ate Zha, quoted by ate Elline, forwarded by ate Joy. :D


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