How's Your Heart?

Once long ago there was a gigantic oak tree that stood in the middle of the town square of a small community. The tree was the pride of the townspeople. It had been there long before most of them were born and would undoubtedly outlive them. Then one day storm winds cracked the tree in half and revealed a trunk filled with disease. A symbol of strength on the outside, the oak had been weak and vulnerable on the inside. For years it had fooled its unknowing admirers.
A parable, perhaps, of what can happen to us as a church or as individuals. We can put our emphasis on the outward facade and neglect the inner reality. Is your life and heart full of Jesus Christ?

Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. (Hebrews 3.12 NRSV)

Dear Jesus, help me to not let anything or anyone move any part of you out of my life. Amen.


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