Last Chapter Episode 6: A Letter to my Grieving Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry that I am not with you today. God called me home early, and though there has been mourning, His plans has actually been a blessing for us all. God has spared me from the trials and frustrations of life on earth. While I am in a building from Him, a home not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, you all remain in a tent. The apostle Paul is here, and he told me that you are naked, but I am clothed; you are visiting but I am home; you are decaying, but I am whole (2 Cor. 5).

It seems strange that some would view my short life on earth and question what God was doing. The prophet Jeremiah is also here and he told me that God knew him, and planned his life, even before he was formed in the womb; I know the same is true for me.

Dad and Mom, the days He gave us together were precious, and lovingly planned by God. He says that He was intimately acquainted with all my ways before I even uttered a sound. He scrutinized this path I am on, enclosing me behind and before. He ought to know -- He formed my inward parts, weaving me in your womb, Mom. My  little body was never hidden from His sight -- He made me with skill! He saw my unformed substance, and He determined the number of days of my life before there was even one (Ps. 139:1-18).

Please do not be concerned that my time was too short, that I missed out. Your life, when compared with eternity, is short too. When I asked God how long, He compared the length of your days to the distance from my little finger to my thumb. As I look at my tiny hand, that is not too long. I thought I missed something, but God says lifetime is as nothing in His sight (Ps. 39:4-5).

Finally, let me tell you about the company I have been keeping. It seems that  Jesus has taken a special interest in me. He said that the kingdom of heaven was designed for children such as me (Mk 10:3-14). Apparently, they had a hard time understanding that on earth. Dad and Mom, I appreciate the doctors and nurses who ministered to me in the hospital on earth, but now I am with the Great Physician. He says that we will be reunited soon, but in the meantime, please know that I am under the shelter of His wings (Ps. 36:7).

Until He comes for You,

Your Little One

Note: This letter was given to us by someone whose colleague has lost a baby. The baby's grandfather was a pastor, and he wrote this letter to help the parents. She was given permission to share it with others.


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